Assessment and feedback
Feedback for Part 1 - Core Concepts
End of Part 1 - Core Concepts
Hello! I am a senior lecturer in diagnostic radiography at Canterbury Christ Church University (United Kingdom). This is my research website where I share my interests in paleoimaging - the use of imaging methods in archaeology.
I have a Bachelor of Science in both archaeology and diagnostic radiography, culminating in a Masters in Forensic Radiography. I am also registered as an archaeologist with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.
My main areas of experience includes nuclear medicine, x-ray, CT and fluoroscopy. I am British but I've adopted the American way of spelling paleoimaging, the alternative being palaeoimaging. I contribute to a range of academic journals and I'm on the international advisory board for Radiography.
I have a blog where I tell you what I've been up to, although I must admit I use Twitter (X) a lot more these days. Check out the Projects section of the website to view publications, photos, x-rays and videos related to paleoimaging. Listen to the podcast from Imagin' That or Archeotech to learn more about me and the use of X-rays in archaeology.

Publications and presentations:
Elliott, J. (2024) 'Half-baked essays: the embedded use of writing exemplars to encourage active learning for radiography students', Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (30),
Brooke, N., Elliott, J., Murphy, T. and Vera Stimpson, L. (2023) 'Development of a radiographic technique for porcine head ballistic research', Radiography, 29(6), pp. 980-983.
Elliott, J.E.G. (2023) ‘The value of case reports in radiography’, Radiography, 29, pp. 416-420.
Elliott, J., Stark, S., Teoaca, A., Duffy, E. and Williams, E. (2023) 'Fragmented skeletonised remains: Paget's disease as a method of biological profiling using radiography', Forensic Imaging, 32, p. 200534.
Elliott, J.E.G, Roldao Pereira, L., Bell, K.S. and Barnden, T. (2023) ‘Evidence of expert clinical practice among nuclear medicine non-medical staff: a scoping review’, Nuclear Medicine Communications, 44(3), pp. 169-177.
Elliott, J. (2022) ‘Half-baked essays: Baking similes in radiography to improve student assessment literacy’, Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research. November, University of Suffolk, Ipswich.
Pereira, L. Elliott, J., Brooks, K., Norris, P., Corrigan, A., Bisase, B. and Barnden, T. (2022) ‘Head & Neck Sentinel Node procedure - lessons from practical experience’, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 49(Suppl 1), pp. S386-S387.
Elliott, J. and Weatherley, M. (2022) 'A case report of radiopharmaceutical needlestick injury with scintigraphic imaging and dose quantification', Radiology Case Reports, 17(5), pp. 1718-1721.
Elliott, J. (2022) ‘Radiographic technique for archaeological human dry bones: a scoping review’, Internet Archaeology, 59.
Elliott, J. (2022) 'Teaching Paleoradiography Theory Using E-learning – A Participatory Action Research Study with Undergraduate Archaeology Students', Journal of Archaeology and Education, 6(1).
Elliott, J. (2022) 'Radiography of human dry bones: A reflective account with recommendations for practice', Radiography, 28(2), pp. 506-512.
Pereira, L. R, Elliott, J. and Barnden, T. (2021) ‘Ergonomics in (Nuclear Medicine) practice!’, Nuclear Medicine Communications, 42, pp. 1183. Available here.
Elliott, J. (2021) 'Task-specific short PowerPointsTM for effective off-campus learning in Diagnostic Radiography', Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 21.
Elliott, J. and Teoaca, A. (2021) ‘Radiographic assessment of archaeological long bones: Experiential learning on technique’, British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology Conference Presentation. September; Teesside University [online].
Woznitza, N., Pittock, L., Elliott, J., Snaith, B. (2021) ‘Diagnostic radiographer advanced clinical practice in the United Kingdom – A national cross-sectional survey’, BJR Open, 3, 20210003.
Elliott, J. and Roldao Pereira, L. (2020) 'Unexpected occurrence of right to left shunt during lung perfusion
scintigraphy: a problem-based learning exercise', The South African Radiographer, 58(2), pp. 37-38. Available here
Elliott, J., Williams, E. and Makinde, M. (2020) ‘Utilisation of radiographic teaching in archaeological and forensic undergraduate modules’, Canterbury Christ Church University Staff Conference Poster. Available here.
Lockwood, P., Elliott, J., Nelson, A. and Harris, S. (2019) ‘Computed tomography head and facial bones review of a 2700 year old Egyptian mummy’, BJR Case Reports, 5, 20190076.
Elliott, J., O’Sullivan, P., Crooker, T. and Barnden, T. (2019) ‘Visual demonstration of aliasing in nuclear medicine imaging: The importance of correct collimator selection by nuclear medicine practitioners’, Radiography, 25, pp. e119-e122.
Elliott, J. Crooker, T., O’Sullivan, P. and Barnden, T. (2019) ‘Visual demonstration of aliasing in nuclear medicine imaging’, Nuclear Medicine Communications, 40(4), pp. 448. Available here.
Pereira, L., Barnden, T. and Elliott, J. (2019) ‘Lung scintigraphy in the detection of right-to-left shunt – a peculiar case report’, Nuclear Medicine Communications, 40(4), pp. 449. Available here.
Barnden, T., Elliott, J., Roldao-Pereira, L. and Naji, M. (2019) ‘Unexpected sestamibi uptake as seen on parathyroid scintigraphy’, Nuclear Medicine Communications, 40(4), pp. 451. Available here.
Elliott, J. (2018) ‘Applications of forensic radiography in archaeology’, Imaging and Therapy Practice, February, 2018. Available here.
Elliott (nee Goodhind), J. (2009) ‘Fordhall Farm Archaeology Project 2009: Project Report’,